There Is No Planet B – The Big One

FIRSTLY, AN APOLOGY – I AM HAVING TO TAKE A BREAK FROM WORDPRESS FOR A FEW DAYS AT LEAST. I have so much to prepare for the upcoming event. Also, I have to complete an assignment for my course, which breaks for a couple of weeks on Thursday. After that, I have my son and the children staying. Needless to say, it will be impossible to keep up with reading and commenting on blogs, so I do hope you will understand and forgive me. I will begin again with a fresh start when I come back. Apologies if I haven’t read or commented on your recent posts. Thank you for your understanding.

I wrote this a few days ago, and I decided to share it today before taking a break.

On Saturday, the 22nd of April, I am travelling to the centre of London to attend a vast gathering of people, all opposed to our government’s complete lack of action against climate change and because they are continuing to plough money into fossil fuel industries, thereby gradually wrecking our planet. There are other relevant topics, like how we dispose of our plastics. Most of it isn’t recycled as we are made to believe but is frequently sent abroad, ending up either in the oceans or in landfill where it doesn’t ever break down. The number of trees is declining because of the rate of destruction taking place to enable more roads and interchanges to be built. Without trees in the world, there will be less oxygen for us to breathe. There is so much damage that our government are doing that it would be impossible to mention all of it here.

We must do everything possible to act against the government and make them see sense. The event is called, quite appropriately, THE BIG ONE, thus named because tens of thousands of people from over one hundred organisations, such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Rewild Britain, Global Justice, Ethical Consumer, The Green Party and many other climate-concerned groups. Also, other organisations like NHS Staff Voices and Keep Britain Tidy will be there, and we will all come together for a peaceful gathering.

The two-hour (or more) journey to London will involve two trains, including at least one underground and possibly a bus. We are all gathering at the Houses of Parliament in London. It is a four-day event beginning on Friday next week, but I am only staying for one day, as camping at night with an electric wheelchair would be too difficult. As it is, the journey could be fraught with obstacles like lifts being out of order, trains arriving too late for a connecting train, and a whole host of other possibilities. Nevertheless, I am determined to be there to play my part.

People (adults and children) are coming from all around the country and many from Europe to take part. It will be a peaceful protest unlike any other.

A few of you know that I am a member of Extinction Rebellion (XR). I realise some people don’t like what we do, but we are getting increasingly desperate about the future of our planet and all life on her. As it is, a large percentage of wildlife is dying off, and some creatures are even becoming extinct. In the UK, the bee and butterfly populations are being decimated by the use of toxic pesticides. Without these insects, there would be no pollination and, subsequently, hardly any crops, flowers, fruits or vegetables. People and many other creatures would begin to starve. The climate is changing, and heatwaves, floods, hurricanes etc., are becoming more frequent. In the UK alone, temperatures last year reached an unheard-of 42C (107F). There will, no doubt, be more of this during this coming summer months.

I fear for our children and our grandchildren, who will be the ones to inherit the Earth from us. It is they who will suffer the loss and damage caused by the governments all over the world and us.

On Saturday, there will be a march for biodiversity with adults and children, many dressed in costumes representing nature. I will be taking part in this, as will many of the people there.

I am an XR drummer and will be playing with others in the band on Saturday. (I’m currently painting and decorating my drum, ready for the event). Playing has its challenges for me in that I will need to drive my wheelchair, Alfie, as well as concentrate on playing the drum with one hand. It’s not going to be easy. I will also have to make the journey with my drum on my lap and carry waterproof clothing in case it rains, plus supplies to get me through the day.

We are NOT locking or glueing ourselves onto roads or vehicles, nor spraying paint on buildings (this wasn’t XR but another environmental group.) We will NOT be causing a nuisance to the general public or blocking roads. We are trying to get our point across to the government and will be there outside the Houses of Parliament for four days. Many people are camping to enable them to stay the whole time. And before anyone imagines we are using cars to get to London; we’re not. Everyone, at least from our organisation, is travelling by coach, bus or train.

We have to do all within our power to get the government to take us seriously. Whether or not we are successful remains to be seen, but at least we are doing our utmost to alter the course of manmade destruction being caused to our planet. We will not give up until positive action is taken.


NOTE: I realise that it isn’t just the British government who are responsible, but also governments worldwide. However, we are here in the UK and determined to do whatever we can to get the British government to sit up and take note.

I will be happy to answer any questions you have if I can. Please, either ask in the comments or contact me on my contact page. I will reply when I can. Thanks.

Author: Ellie Thompson

Writing my memoirs, musings, a little fiction and a lot of poetry as a way of exploring and making the most of my life ... ... Having had a break from writing my blog for more than three years, I decided to return to write my memoirs, some day-to-day observations, views and feelings. My passion is non-fiction poetry. I have a disability and use an electric powerchair called Alfie and let nothing get in the way of living life to the full. I believe that you can never do a kindness too soon and should give credit where credit is due. A smile or a kind word could make the difference between a good or bad day for a person - we never know what's going on for another soul. Those little things, perhaps, practised daily like a mantra, could mean so much to someone else. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading a little more about me. Please, make yourself at home here. You are very welcome. Ellie x 😊

51 thoughts on “There Is No Planet B – The Big One”

  1. Good job Ellie. This is an area I’ve given up on. Climate change is one of two topics I’ve stopped blogging about (gun control the other) because I’ve decided we won’t ever in my life seen adequate change to make a difference. About 8 years ago, I put myself into the mitigation camp, believing our efforts are better spent preparing for climate collapse rather than trying to make any dramatic change. Of course I’m not doing anything on either front except on a personal level. I very much respect your dedication to the cause. I hope I’m wrong and changes can be implemented now that will positively impact our children/grand children’s world. But I fear this is a case of way too little, much too late.

    1. Thanks, Jeff. I can understand how you feel about posting about climate change (or gun control). As you can tell, I am passionate about the ’cause’. I just can’t sit back and hope for a change without being part of the effort it takes to do my best and hope that, with enough of us, things might change for the better. I don’t think I’m ready to accept I can’t do anything.

      I’m glad to hear that you still doing your best on a personal level. Even if we can’t change things in the next few years, I hope that, by being an activist, that we can show the next generation and the generation after that, that change can be made. Without the people putting pressure on the governments, I don’t believe much can be done. I do, however, appreciate that. as people have pointed out, it’s not just one or two countries that need to make changes, it’s the whole world or at least, the first world. Unfortunately, it’s the third world countries that suffer more than most and through hardly any fault of their own.

      I’m very excited about the weekend, as you can tell. When my grandchildren grow up, and when they’re having to live with consequences of climate inaction, I can tell them I did my best to fight for a decent future for them.

      Unfortunately, my son is, much to my shame, a climate change denier and therefore doesn’t teach the children about climate change and what they can do. Luckily, schools over here are beginning to teach children about this essential topic.

      I will write about the event after I get back. I’ll try to remember to take photos, too. Take care, Jeff.

      1. That’s a good point about setting an example for future generations, Maybe something I do does make a difference. You mention schools. I’m sure climate change will be the next culture war fought in our public schools. It’s hard to do *anything* when people are being intentionally idiotic. Have FUN!

    2. I agree with you on many levels, Jeff. Since a few decades we’ve had environmental groups sounding the doomsday alarms, and because of that too many people have come to ignore it, like we come to ignore car alarms going off on the street. The powers that be who are in control are reaping as many profits as they can both from the environment and gun sales. Since they’re still making billions of dollars monthly, they see no reason to stop, but are creating more and more “need” for people to buy what they’re selling. They’re laughing all the way to the bank, and paying off too many elected leaders to vote favorably for them.

  2. Ellie, I’m with you 100% about the scary effects of climate change and governments’ inaction worldwide. There’s a lot we can do locally – buying environmentally friendly products; supporting environmentally friendly and sustainable businesses; recycling our waste efficiently; cutting out the use of single-use plastics etc – but what is essentially needed is systemic change.
    I hope it goes well for you on Saturday. Highlighting the issues to those around us will hopefully result in more awareness leading to more action. 🤞🏼
    Like you I feel afraid for our children and grandchildren – what sort of planet are we leaving for them to inherit?!
    Take good care of yourself, it sounds as though you have a lot on. Most of all enjoy it all. Don’t worry about your blog – I for one will look forward to hearing all about your ventures when you’re home and free to tell us. 😊 💕

    1. I am so happy to hear you are passionate about climate change, too, Margaret. Yes, you are right; there is a lot we can do on a personal level. All of the things you mention are also things that I concentrate on. Systemic change is desperately needed, but so many people just can’t see that, or perhaps, don’t want to because it means change on all fronts, and many people don’t like change, preferring to stay in the mire rather than dare to step out and be part of the solution.

      I have four grandchildren, aged between 8-17. As you said, I wonder what sort of planet they will inherit. It’s a frightening thought. They will have no one else to blame other than the generations that went before them and the useless governments.

      I am so excited about the event. It’s on from Friday until Monday, and I am going down for the day on Saturday. Saturday is Earth Day, and there will be a huge nature walk as part of that. I will definitely write about my experiences there and, with a bit of luck, I’ll remember to take photos, too. It might be a tad difficult while I have one hand on my wheelchair’s joystick to drive and the other playing my drum with my left hand. (I’m right-handed, which should make it a challenge!)

      Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement, Margaret Xx 😃💞.

    1. Thanks so much, Melinda. Yes, I mustn’t overdo it, although my enthusiasm is such that I probably will be exhausted after the event. Still, it’ll be worth it. I can’t wait to go now. Only five days to go. I will do my best to stay safe. I’m looking forward to telling you all about it when I return. And I must remember to take photos to share, too 😊.

  3. I was wondering what you were up to Ellie. Good luck with the event. I tend to view myself as being middle of the road when it comes to the environment, I know we need to do more, but I’m also skeptical about steps that I hear from various environmental groups, what impact positively or negatively those steps would have on everything (the environment, business, way of life, etc.) I know I contribute to problem. I live in suburbia and get most places via car. In short, I know enough to be part of the problem. Anyway, good luck these next couple of weeks.

    1. Ah, now you know, Brian. It’s why I haven’t been able to keep up with reading people’s blogs recently and for at least the next week or so. I’m getting withdrawal symptoms already!

      I think half the problem is that people don’t like having to make changes in their lives. I live in suburbia in the UK, too, although I do my utmost to follow all the guidelines and suggestions to hope to make a change. The most significant decision I made regarding climate change was to become vegan. 80% of soya crops go to feed cattle, pigs, chickens, etc., so we can eat them. If we freed up that 80%, we could feed all the starving people in the world – quite some thought, eh? But, yes, you are quite right; changing our lives inconveniences many people, and people generally find change difficult.

      Thank you for your good luck wishes. I’m so excited about it all. It’ll be my first time playing in the band, too. I will write about my experiences when I return and recover from my venture. I must remember to take some photos if I can manage that while driving my wheelchair with one hand and drumming with the other! 😊

  4. Thank you Ellie for your volunteer work and trying to protect future generations including my children. I was doing some tabling myself yesterday for an organization called Citizens Climate Lobby here in Dallas. Thank you also for an interesting post.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Thomas. I feel I have to do something positive for the sake of our children and their children in the future. I haven’t heard of Citizens Climate Lobby, but it’s great that you were part of that. If each of us did a bit, it would amount to a lot. The problem is, without the governments implementing change, very little will happen. Nevertheless, I won’t just stand by and let climate change destroy the futures of the next generations. Another thing that Extinction Rebellion advocates for is Citizens’ Assemblies. They would take the place of individual politicians and governments from making all the decisions and put these decisions into the hands of the people. There is a very good web page about this if you were interested in learning more. It’s at . I hope you find it interesting. Thanks again for your support, Thomas. It is much appreciated.

      1. Citizens Climate Lobby is somewhat known in the US but is unknown in other countries (200,000 members in the US). I should say that Citizens Climate Lobby speaks to lawmakers a lot and we have been successful several times and we see the change. When we raise our voices whether it is on the street or in the offices, they pay attention even though it may not seem so in the media. Everything we do matters, and what you do has an impact that will help future generations. Thank you for the link to Citizens Assembly, it sounds very interesting. Again, thank you for your actions to protect all of our children and grandchildren.

        1. That’s really interesting, Thomas. Although we don’t have a Citizens Climate Lobby, we are doing a similar thing but by different means. If people like us, or people in general raise their voices and speak out about the lack of action by the government, nothing gets done; nothing changes. XR does sometimes get in the media, but not for the smaller actions that happen very often. I’m so glad you are seeing change over there. I know that many people aren’t interested in climate change action because, as I’ve heard on the streets at outreach, they think it is too late and that nothing can be done. I know that I can’t sit back and watch the world and all its wildlife and people suffer at the hands of climate change because our government will just not listen. I want to do all I can, however little, to give our children some sort of liveable future. Thanks so much for your support and encouragement with this, Thomas.

          1. That is so great Ellie. Yes people, get this wrong. It may be too late to avoid major damage but not too late for our children’s survival. “Too late” has become an excuse for allowing it to get even worse. The less we do the worse it will be. I am so thankful for what you do.

  5. Congratulations!
    Best of luck! You traveling to canter of London to attend a vast gathering to people against the climate change.

    1. Thank you, Rajkkhoja, for your good luck wishes. Travelling to London will be a real challenge while driving my wheelchair on and off of the trains etc. However, I know it will be well worth it. I am very much looking forward to being there to stand up for what I believe and to try to teach others about climate change and why it’s so essential that people change the way they live. I will write more about it when I return. Xx 🌹

  6. Dear Ellie. This is one of our greatest challenges. I admire your dedication and determination. The more of us who shout, the more likely someone will hear. Once again, you are an inspiration to me.
    Stay safe on your journey to London. I hope to hear your drum over here.
    Take care, warrior friend. Xx

    1. Aww, thank you for your lovely words, Allie. I agree with you that if everyone shouted, the message would travel further. I, for one, intend to shout about it until I get to a point in my life when I physically can’t, and may that day never come. I will be travelling with 6-8 other XR friends, so will be quite safe as I travel. I will drum extra loud especially for you. I love that you think of me as your warrior friend. That’s just so amazing to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will catch up with you more when I return with, hopefully, lots of photos. Do look after yourself in the meantime, my friend. Xx 💓

  7. No worries, so proud of you for your efforts in fighting for change in your country and the world!
    You have a active and rewarding few weeks ahead and I will have you in my thoughts and prayers!!
    Will miss seeing your blog posts, but know that you will be with family and friends during your absence!!

    1. Thank you so much, Pamelap. That is so kind of you to say. I’m so looking forward to the event and then, seeing me son and the children after that. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. That is much appreciated. I should be back blogging sometime next week, or perhaps sooner if something comes into my mind. It’s more the blog reading I won’t have time to do as I follow and enjoy so many bloggers’ posts. Thank you for being so understanding. Xx 💖🌹🥰💞

    1. Thank you, Tallisman. I am so looking forward to the event. It will be fun, but at the same time, it will be driving home the point that we are in the middle of a deadly climate crisis. The lives of our children and our grandchildren are at risk, and I, for one, am not prepared to stand by and watch it happen without making a stand with like-minded people. We can only hope that our actions will make otherwise disinterested or non-believing people and the government sit up and take note. If not, we will have done all within our power to get the message out there, and we won’t stop trying and making the point. I daresay this won’t be the last action we have to take. Thanks for your interest, Tallisman.

  8. Have fun. I wish you all the luck in the world, but the “Ruling Class” doesn’t care what happens to the world. I cannot understand what makes people vote for those supported by The Bigs, but they do. They yhink they are winning, but they are helping everyone lose.

    1. Thanks, very much, J. I can never understand how those in power don’t seem to care about what is happening to our planet and our children’s and grandchildren’s futures. After all, many of them have their own families. Don’t they ever worry about what sort of planet those younger family members are going to inherit? I don’t understand why people vote for politicians and governments that just don’t seem to care about the people living in our world with all its recent disasters linked to climate change; they only seem to care about how much power they have and how well their pockets are lined. It makes me mad! Thanks for your support, J. I will write a post after the event, hopefully with photos, although taking pictures will be difficult given that I will be driving my wheelchair with one hand and drumming with the other. Should be interesting 💚.

      1. Pictures are unnecessary, though possibly interesting. You can always ask others to send their pictures to you.
        I await reading your experiences at this gathering, along with commentary about your feelings as you make yhis journey.
        And don’t forget to plug in your chair battery as often as you have the opportunity. A dead battery vould literally “stop your journey in its tracks!”

  9. SOOO proud of you, Ellie – for joining with others to make a statement about climate change. There are too few of us taking it seriously. I think people are thinking it’s another ‘fake news’ propaganda when really, our lives are at stake. If the earth isn’t well – WE won’t survive. We have to make changes to how we mine and fish, eat, work and LIVE otherwise we’ll lose everything. Like you’ve said – there’s no PlanB or alternative planet. We’re spending billions on space travel where we should be investing in reforestry and looking after our bees and butterflies!

    1. Thank you so much, Janet. Thank you, too, for understanding and being interested in the dilemma that we are facing as a people and a planet. Yes, the space travels you mention make me mad, too. It will be probably hundreds or thousands of years or more away that we find another habitable planet, and extremely unlikely at that. In the meantime, all that money could be spent on trying to improve the world that we do live in. Apart from climate change, there are also other factors like starving people, people suffering from the acts of climate disaster. With all the calamities around this, earthquakes, heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes etc., still seems not enough to persuade some people that we are facing a climate crisis. We all need to make changes if we want to save our planet and Mother Earth with all her inhabitants. Thanks again for being so supportive of our activities, my friend. Xx 💓🌳💞

  10. Good for you, Ellie! We need to do better for our planet. Good luck on your adventure and I’m so happy you are doing this for all of us. It’s very brave of you.

    1. Thanks, Bridgette. I can’t just stand by and watch our planet dying; I have to do whatever is in my power to change this, although I realise I’m not Superman, but I think every little bit matters and every little bit makes a difference. I’m very excited about going at the weekend. I will write all about it with, hopefully, pictures if I can take any, as I will be driving Alfie (my wheelchair) with one hand and drumming with the other, which won’t make stopping in those vast crowds very easy. It’s more important that I attend than it is to take photos.

      I am so busy preparing for the event at the moment, so please forgive me that I don’t have enough time to read and comment on anyone else’s blogs at the moment. Hopefully, I can start afresh with blog reading when it is all over. My love and comforting hugs to you. Xx 💚🤗💚

      1. Every bit does matter. Thank you for doing what you can for this planet and for everyone on it (animals and people alike). I hope you and Alfie make a big impact on everyone who passes by. Drum away!

    1. Thank you, Devang, for your good wishes. I’m sorry I’m missing a few of your blogs this week (plus other people’s blogs, too). I’m so busy preparing for the weekend, that I just won’t even have time to catch up with the blogs I usually like to read, like yours. I will start afresh after the event has ended. Thanks for your understanding. Have a great day.

      1. Ohhhhhhh

        You know My blogs will disappear tomorrow, you should have read them.


        Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, you take your time and enjoy life.

        See you around

    1. Thank you, Maggie. That’s such a kind thing for you to say, and I appreciate your words. The march went really well, although it was like being in a can of sardines trying to move about in the vast crowds of people in my wheelchair, Alfie. It was a very peaceful protest with no disruption caused to the public. I didn’t return until nearly midnight because of accessibility issues on the trains. I was exhausted by then, as you can imagine. Still, for all the struggle and stress, I would jump at the chance to do it all again with no doubts. Thank you very much for all your encouragement. Take care, too. Xx 💚💚💚

        1. Aww … thank you for such kind encouragement, Maggie. I don’t know whether they’ll ever be another protest of more than 90,000 people again. We’d been organising and planning for the event for many months. I’d love it if we did have another one, though, and I’d be first in the queue to take part. Hope you are well today and sending big hugs your way, too. Xxx 🤗🌷💕

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